Australian Jazz and Groove Podcast
The Australian jazz and groove podcast features Australian Jazz and Groove composers and musicians. The aim of the podcast is to play the music of and interview Australian Jazz composers so as to learn what makes them tick as composers and performers.
Podcasting since 2020 • 26 episodes
Australian Jazz and Groove Podcast
Latest Episodes
Episode #26: Jack Pantazis
Jack Pantazis is one of the most respected jazz guitarists on the Australian Jazz scene. Pantazis calls Melbourne his home and he has carved out a career as a performer, educator and composer crossing all styles of music. Pan...

Episode #25: Michelle Nicolle
Michelle Nicolle is one of Australia's most respected and recognised Jazz vocalists. Over the years she has developed her own unique take on classic jazz standards as well as written and recorded many award winner compositions of...
Season 1
Episode 25

Episode #24: David Dower Interview, The Senegambian Jazz Band, Michelle Nicolle.
David Dower is a Piano player a composer specialising in original jazz and contemporary music, and has performed widely throughout the UK, Bulgaria, Ireland, France, Malaysia, and Australia. He currently lives in Melbourne and has recently rele...

Episode #23: Kristian Borring (interview), Fran Swinn, Tamara Murphy, Julian Wilson
Kristian Borring is a jazz guitarist from Denmark living in Perth, he will be talking to us about his new recording entitled “Earth Matter” from his new band “Number Junky’. He will also be talking to us about his recently completed Thesi...
Episode 23

Episode #22: David Cotgreave interview: Music from "Cookin on Three Burners" Rafael Karlen and "The Meltdown"
Dave Cotgreave is drummer, and educator a composer and now an author. Cotgreave is a major pillar in the Brisbane jazz scene and he also has a new book out called "The Practice Pad Book", a book that has already received wide pra...
Episode 22