Australian Jazz and Groove Podcast
Australian Jazz and Groove Podcast
Episode #22: David Cotgreave interview: Music from "Cookin on Three Burners" Rafael Karlen and "The Meltdown"
Dave Cotgreave is drummer, and educator a composer and now an author. Cotgreave is a major pillar in the Brisbane jazz scene and he also has a new book out called
"The Practice Pad Book", a book that has already received wide praise with in the drumming community, he will be talking to us about how he developed the concepts in this book and how he helps his students connect rudiments and practice exercises to actually playing music. He will also talk to us about his new duo called "The Seats", made up of himself and Pianist Brett Fowler.
We will also hear music from Melbourne funk outfit "Cookin on Three Burners" with a track from their 2014 Release entitled “Blind Bet”.
To finish the show we will hear from Rafael Karlen and a track from his new recording entitled "Equally True", we then finish with a track from "The Meltdown" featuring Melbourne soul singer Simon Burke.
Thanks for listening and please let others know.
David Galea