Australian Jazz and Groove Podcast
Australian Jazz and Groove Podcast
Episode #5: Julien Wilson Interview featuring music from "This World" and music from bassist Brendan Clarke
In this episode we talk to Julien Wilson, Australian Jazz Legend and all round awesome human being. He talks to us about how he has coped musically with Covid-19 while in lockdown in Melbourne. He also talks about the making of "This World" , a recording he co-released with Mike Nock, Jonathan Zwartz and Hamish Stuart back in 2019.
Quotes: "Regardless of mode, [This World] prove that at a time in history when division is the order of the day, four souls crafting melody together can abide by a deeper principle of love and listening." Tyran Grillo, New York City Jazz Record (USA)
"an exceptional record by an exceptional ensemble. This is profound,
moving and expressive jazz of the highest level" Stuart Nicholson, Jazzwise (UK)
We will also hear music from composer and bassist Brendan Clarkefrom an Album he wrote and released back in 2013 Called "Stretch"To subscribe to this podcast simply hit this link.https://australianjazzandgroovepodcast.buzzsprout.comPlease also support these and the musicians on other episodes by going to their bandcamp page and buying their music. Also please leave a positive review on any of the platforms you listen to this podcast on.
David Galea